Reply to post: Re: I wholeheartedly agree

Guy who wrote women are 'soft, weak, cosseted, naive' lasted about a month at Apple until internal revolt

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I wholeheartedly agree

In cases like these, behaviour prior to employment should not be a factor but behaviour following employment should.

Nope. Because the very fact that you allowed this person through the door and pollute the atmosphere despite clearly advertised recent opinions at odds with the rest of the company IS going to have an effect, possibly lasting, later sacking notwithstanding. You will face questions as to how you could take that decision despite prior knowledge.

Now, I've seen people state that it's not right to eject someone on the basis of something written years ago, but that view assumes change. If that adverse track record has some length despite pushback I think you can safely assume that the offending attitude in question has not met enlightenment.

There is also the question of level - some people can be a bit annoying, but there are lines you shouldn't cross without consequences, especially if they are crossed as expression of personal beliefs (not à la Jimmy Carr, for instance).

In short, it's OK to deal with a degree of idiocy but there are limits and quite a few you can spot if you do your screening right, and the probation time ought to help catch the ones that initially got away.

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