Reply to post: Re: Use a random generated ID!

'A massive middle finger': Open-source audio fans up in arms after Audacity opts to add telemetry capture

John Brown (no body) Silver badge

Re: Use a random generated ID!

"Modify the script used to open Audacity. Ate each new session it would remove the old ID and generate a new one. Let them sort this telemetry..."

Based on what they claim they need the telemetry for, this would mostly work. The only downside for them would be the apparent increase in numbers of users. They still get the bug reports. Still get the numbers of times various filters are used etc. They'd just not be able to tie filter usage to heavy users. Of course, using Google, there may well be other fingerprinting going on outside of Audacity but through other Google interactions which ties all those phantom UUIDs back to you.

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