Reply to post: Re: Bit worrying.....

China sprayed space with 3,000 pieces of junk. US military officials want rules to stop that sort of thing

jdiebdhidbsusbvwbsidnsoskebid Silver badge

Re: Bit worrying.....

The collision between the iridium and kosmos satellites in 2009 produced over 2000 trackable pieces of debris. Don't know how many untrackable pieces there were, but probably a lot more than 2000, and untrackable pieces are still deadly at orbital speeds. I've seen 1g nylon pellets punch through multiple sheets of steel at less than orbital speeds.

Satellite TV and other things from GEO will be fine as the orbits in GEO don't cross at the same high speeds as in LEO. That's for accidental commissions anyway, deliberate action is a while other issue. GPS will be fine for a while too as the orbits they are in (MEO) are far less congested. But the "space is big, really big" argument is dangerous as that's what got us into the problem we currently have in LEO.

LEO (where the ISS, starlink, and so much else orbits) is really busy and orbits cross over all the time.

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