Reply to post: Re: What part of that so people have issues with?

Basecamp CEO issues apology after 'no political discussions at work' edict blows up in his face

jake Silver badge

Re: What part of that so people have issues with?

Their contracts certainly do specify it. They are in the uniform of their team, on the sidelines of the field/pitch, in front of tens of thousands of people (live) and tens of millions (television). By definition, they are at work, selling whatever advertising their employer is getting richer from.

Not all talking is vocal. Taking a knee is making a statement. On company time, in the company venue, on the company dime. And probably (in the American Footballers case) at odds with the company ownership group.

To say nothing with being at odds with many/most of their cow orkers/teammates, thus putting a pretty good dent in overall morale and cooperation, which kind of wrecks the esprit de corps necessary in professional team sports. (And Kaepernick, the dim wit, still doesn't understand why nobody would touch him with a ten foot pole ... Simply put, he's toxic to the concept of "team", putting his own needs above the common goals of the team.)

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