Reply to post: Re: Insert meme here

Bitcoin is ‘disgusting and contrary to the interests of civilization’ says famed investor Charlie Munger


Re: Insert meme here

Fiat money is created in the form of loans that must be paid back. That saddles the borrower with a load of work to do. He has to work his arse off to pay that money back. It's the work that he does that gives the money it's value.

However Fiat money can be generated as loans and no one does any work. That causes inflation as value is drained from all the existing money. You can't do that with crypto, it costs too much to produce.

With crypto the value is in the cost to produce the coin verses the cost to exchange it for something. If you want some crypto you could sell something in exchange. If you have some crypto you could buy something with it.

Why would any one want crypto? The same reason why people want money, so they can buy things they want.

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