Reply to post: Re: Does 75-150 Mbps

FCC gives SpaceX the go-ahead to drop Starlink satellite orbits by 500 kilometres or so

John Robson Silver badge

Re: Does 75-150 Mbps

Contention will be what it is, but I suggest that they probably did a little bit of maths before launching the first bird.

I don't know about VPN, but I can't imagine why they would restrict it - I could easily imagine them using CGNAT though, although to be fair the routing is probably so far outside normal protocols that it doesn't really make a difference.

They only need to make a profit per constellation - and again, I am sure they have managed to find the corner of a napkin or the back of an envelope to work out if it's economically sustainable. The whole point is that they control the launch costs, and are using cheap hardware.

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