Reply to post: Re: Users never want to change.

Don't cross the team tasked with policing the surfing habits of California's teens

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Users never want to change.

Ugh. Your Facebook comment reminded me of having to renew my vehicle registration.

Go to the website, hit the "renew registration" button, no big deal. What pops up is a chatbot. Seriously. "I see you want to renew your vehicle registration, I'm going to help!" (Me: Where's an EMP when you need one...) Where's the nice form they used to have? It then proceeds to ask for all the information in a bot-asks-question, user-presents-answer format, with brief pauses between each question, instead of a properly sane form. Basic stuff, like license plate number and last few digits of VIN. Verify my address hasn't changed, ok. Verify my insurance hasn't changed, ok. Verify that the address I want my new sticker sent to? Uh, the same one? No, have to re-enter it. Now for payment: What's the card number? Ok, now what's the CVV? Ok, now what's the expiration date? Ok, now what's the name on the card? (Same as the vehicle registration!) Ok, now what's the address? (SAME AS THE VEHICLE REGISTRATION!)

Why did they replace the simple, easy-to-use form with Clippy? Didn't we banish that thing in the 90s?

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