Reply to post: Damn it

China’s highest-ranked university creates school dedicated to integrated circuits

Lars Silver badge

Damn it

I hate to write this but.

In the USA education has deteriorated moving towards "education for profit" and the result is scam like the Trump university.

This is a severe problem, all we are is actually about what we as kids are able to get into our heads, it's often called education and if there is nothing there then it's not as it could and should be.

Some vids on the problem here:

The Real Story Behind Skyrocketing Student Debt

And then there is Britain, the oldest proudly remaining two class society in the western world.

Ask any Brit about education and he will proudly tell you about how the British are absolutely world leading in education because of two world leading universities. In some funny lunatic fantasy a Briti seem to assume that, if there is or was, an educated Brit in the past then I am one too because I am a Brit.

For some damned reason I think this logic is more inbuilt in the English than anywhere else in my known world.

On the problem of British reality, demagogues and the relation of education to democracy this is not bad at all in that respect.

And then there are the Chinese.

And I have this feeling they understand the value of education very well, which is fine. Good for you as a Brit would say but a problem for us if we are simply too stupid to grasp our own stupidity.

Something here too on that:

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