Reply to post: Re: Lies, damned lies, and statistics...

God bless this mess: Study says UK's Christian beliefs had 'important' role in Brexit

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Lies, damned lies, and statistics...

"... a quarter [25%] of voters' beliefs helped place them in the Remain camp."

Wouldn't that mean the religious types were more likely to vote Remain?

Actually, it appears to mean that people who voted Remain were influenced by 25% of their beliefs.

Frankly, the way this part of the article was written, I'd be very hesitant about drawing any conclusions whatsoever. I hope the actual study is clearer. Not that I can be bothered to read it.

(Oh, sorry, just remembered we were asked to rant in block capitals. THIS ARTICLE WAS MODERATELY INTERESTING AND I DIDN'T FIND IT VERY CONTROVERSIAL.)

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