Reply to post: Re: I find myself saying...

God bless this mess: Study says UK's Christian beliefs had 'important' role in Brexit


Re: I find myself saying...

Dunnno - I bought some Rogowski Coils for work and an Arcade cabinet for meself before Brexit. It got here OK.

It particularly pisses me off that the UK has a lot of really smart, I would call them "artisan" for lack of a better description, small tech businesses running out of ancient cottages in Wales and the Cotswolds and now all those people, some of them friends and former colleagues, they are in the shit because a thicko cunt like Boris Johnson and his scummy, corrupt, cunt governement can't be arsed about "details" and basically only cares about keping The Daily Mail's commentary track enraged (which is what makes that lot happy)!

I think Brexit was a really bad idea, but, since the wanted to do it, they could have put some effort into it and maybe chosen to not screw it up at every opportunity!?

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