Reply to post: Re: Intrigued by the small memory, SSD options on iMac

We seem to have materialized in a universe in which Barney the Purple Dinosaur is designing iPhones for Apple

Dave559 Silver badge

Re: Intrigued by the small memory, SSD options on iMac

"From what I can gather, they're really pitching these at media professionals, but 8-16Gb of memory, 512Gb of SSD (with 1, 2Tb options) doesn't seem to add up."

I regret that I can only upvote this comment once.

16 GB RAM, 512 GB storage, should be the absolute minimum entry spec, and even that's going to be a bit short-sighted the way computing demands are going; 32 GB / 1 TB would be better.

Sure, there will be some hipster businesses that buy these just to look shiny on the reception desk and aren't doing anything challenging with them, but those sorts of businesses clearly have money to burn anyway, so if they bumped the entry spec, that would surely swing the economies of scale balance, and therefore retail price (oh, no, wait, this is Apple…) so that Apple would be able to get more competitive pricing on the RAM and storage from their suppliers (goes off dreaming back into fantasyland again…).

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