Reply to post: Re: "non-disparagement clauses in many employment contracts"?

Harassers and bullies succeed in tech because silence is encouraged

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: "non-disparagement clauses in many employment contracts"?

I do not believe that I have ever agreed with Jake on many subjects, but I will stand with him on this one.

Will the author kindly explain just how much is "many" ?

I have worked in 5 different countries; I have signed contracts in 3 different languages, and I have worked for many differing kinds of companies and never have I seen such a clause. I am not saying that they don’t exist, just that I have never seen such a clause nor every heard anyone speak about such a thing.....

Why would someone agree to sign for such a company in the first place as it is obvious where you stand in case the shit hits the fan... You read the contract, you do not like it, you either renegotiate or you do not sign. Neither party has any obligation to the other before that signature.

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