Reply to post: Re: It's imperative that the new technology ... allows for legally compliant data-sharing

Google's FLoC flies into headwinds as internet ad industry braces for instability


Re: It's imperative that the new technology ... allows for legally compliant data-sharing

Well yes. The challenge is this: The user would like to use the Internet. The user may be exposed to adverts, but what is an acceptable level of stalking?

Marketing executives would say "I will look good if I can plot user graphs, genders, ages, interest, previous Web history, postcode, whether they like furry porn etc.". While the ad tech crowd will sell any user data they can cram on your device.

But some users will hate all of the above and go to great lengths to disable it, because ultimately they just want to go on the internet, and not get digitally stalked. If I had a pound, for each time Facebook reset or changed my privacy settings.... (and yes I probably shouldn't use it in the first place).

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