Reply to post: Re: Something strange

Pentagon confirms footage of three strange craft taken by the Navy are UFOs (no, that doesn't mean they're aliens)

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Something strange

> I once saw

Me too, when I was 13-14 years old, I saw an inexplicable light in the night sky, and then I saw it again a year later, same day, same place. It was out in the boonies, but the same date made me think it must have been some kind of fireworks display - although it looked like a strange, huge, very bright white flare, it was apparently many miles away, in a direction where there was no settlement or even roads. (Even at the place I was there was no electricity, no phone, no running water, the next human settlement was 1 hour of dirt track in the other direction.)

What I'm trying to say is there are lots of things out there we can't explain, but the simplest explanation is usually the best. In my case "annual celebration of some kind" is way more likely than "Invasion of the Space Squids"...

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