Reply to post: Re: "that no one will be disadvantaged as a consequence of this."

University of Hertfordshire pulls the plug on, well, everything after cyber attack

Ken Hagan Gold badge

Re: "that no one will be disadvantaged as a consequence of this."

I assume they mean that you will get your degree even though you weren't able to learn any of the course material.

Whether future employers see that as "no disadvantage" probably depends on how many other universities are similarly affected, and whether this state of affairs lasts for more than a couple of years.

Right now I'd say that anyone still in full-time education is at something of a disadvantage compared to someone just a year or two older.

(I'd also like to point out that, despite the UK's recent announcement that unis are re-opening, a lot of them are still telling anyone without a practical element to their course to carry on with the online lectures, either at home or in the digs you've been trapped in since whenever.)

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