Reply to post: Re: And little did they realise that they probably didn't save money on outsourcing.

Airline software super-bug: Flight loads miscalculated because women using 'Miss' were treated as children

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: And little did they realise that they probably didn't save money on outsourcing.

But surely this highlights the crux of the problem - requirements defined that are open to interpretation?

The OP may have a different understanding of what "all over the screen" means to you or to me. His interpretation was to print "Hello World" all over the left hand of the screen. Yours was to print it serially all over the screen. Someone else may have meant "Hello World" to appear randomly all over the screen. One person's desired result is someone else's bug or 'feature'.

If you outsource your programming to someone/somewhere else, then your requirements have to be clearly defined. If its left open to interpretation then things like this will creep in. Same with the Miss/Ms issue.

Also, if the person writing the code is inexperienced in the field they are writing the code for, then that person may not know to question the requirements spec. They will follow their *interpretation* of the spec. I've seen that on more than one occasion.

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