Reply to post: Re: A feeling of impending boom

Imagine your data center backup generator kicks in during power outage ... and catches fire. Well, it happened

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: A feeling of impending boom

"The oils on his shoes flashed over and I presume he died from horrific burns."

LOx spilled on asphalt can be explosive. Lose a foot explosive. We always moved LOx while on clean concrete or dirt surfaces at the rocket company. It doesn't take too much looking to find a video on YouTube of a diamond burning in a test tube of liquid Oxygen. Granted, diamond is pure carbon, but still....

The Mythbusters once tried to make a rocket motor from a sausage and NOx. They got stymied by the structural strength of sausage as the exhaust velocity would always push the bits of meat out of the motor casing. Sugar can be used as a rocket fuel. Sugar Shot to Space has been working on perfecting a sugar motor for a few years (small hobby group).

LOx is very dangerous.

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