Reply to post: Re: I would have thought...

Airline software super-bug: Flight loads miscalculated because women using 'Miss' were treated as children

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I would have thought...

"Bear in mind the aircraft is designed to be able to climb away from a take-off even if an engine fails at the worst possible moment so in an emergency they can produce a lot of thrust."

Not only that, a properly designed airline engine will have multiple redundant sensors for critical things like pressures, temperatures and speeds, also throttle lever angle or equivalent, and they will be reasonably accurate and reasonably trustworthy. Guessing (or "modelling" as it's sometimes known) any of these numbers is often a bad idea, especially when the topic of concern is safety related, e.g. transient overspeed/shaft break protection in a 3-shaft engine where only two shafts have actual speed sensors, especially if the real engine behaviour in extreme circumstances isn't a good match for the model.

Regardless, this TUI incident does seem to shed some light on the software development practices (including specification and testing and the response to anomalies) of the companies involved.

I'm deliberately ignoring the two-faced PR spin.

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