Reply to post: Re: Another test of General Relativity

CERN boffins zap antimatter with ultraviolet lasers in the hope of revealing the secret symmetry of the universe

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Another test of General Relativity

These EU types are one of the weirdest conspiracy theory groups going, along with the Freemen on the Land whackjobs. They believe in just so much science (law) and then disregard all subsequent science (law) and the opinions of nearly all scientists (lawyers).

All the time they hold the simultaneous contradictory opinions that they are far smarter than the rest of us because they can see the real truth obscured not just to all of us plebs but to nearly all the actual experts; and that this real truth is obvious (AC's use of "I state the obvious here" being absolutely stereotypical) often combined with the near ubiquitous humblebrag ("I'm just an AC here, stating the obvious to you").

I suspect the cause is the same, and related to the popularity of nearly all other current CTs: actual book learning is hard and the Internet has been, since September 1993, far too easy to use.

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