Reply to post: Re: Why the negativity

Another successful flight for SpaceX's Starship apart from the landing-in-one-piece thing

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: Why the negativity

.... and now there are books such as "Rocket Propulsion Elements" by Gary Sutton along with other standard texts on rocketry that go into great depth based on all of the testing the USSR and NASA were doing way back when.

Starship will never be as fast or easy to turn around as a commercial aircraft. Just fueling the beast takes hours and hours. A jet aircraft, a few tens of minutes and the fueling can be done while other work commences. If there is a weather delay, a jet doesn't have to be detanked and refueled later. Elon likes to play with densified cryogenics, so if the fuel/oxidizer warms up, it will have significantly less performance. Jet fuel also doesn't change state so venting isn't an issue.

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