Reply to post: Re: Shame

LG Electronics finally gives up cellphone business

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Shame

I was toying with an idea of buying one 2nd hand to replace my aging samsung. On paper (I think it was g4, or something) it had all I needed, i.e. rootable, removable battery, great camera, dual sim, etc. But, when I started digging for problems, it turned out there was one or two that kept re-surfacing, and - typically for 'manufacturers' - LG refused to acknowledge and address that issue. Given 2nd hand units were available for at least 150 quid in decent state, and usually 'refurbished' from HK or China, I asked myself: is it worth my frustration (and bleeding extra for repairs) when I'm sold a dude? In the end, I got something else 3rd hand. No root, no removable battery, no dual sim, poor camera. But it was (equivalent of) 70 quid, and it's built like a brick and it turned out I can live with these limitations. One of those things, like Samsung cameras, they could have been great, but - not enough profit, so good bye and fuck you for your custom.

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