Reply to post: Re: Maltesers translated

You put Marmite where? Google unveils its latest AI wizardry: A cake made of Maltesers and the pungent black tar

jake Silver badge

Re: Maltesers translated

That's "pumpkin pie spice", which is used to flavo(u)r pumpkin pie, thus the name.

I like my blend, in pie. The universal plastic version applied to damn near everything (including coffee, for fuck's sake!) is bloody awful. The scent alone can give me a headache, but not as fast as the artificial "cinnamon" scented pine cones do.

Also note that most commercial "pumpkin pie" is actually sweet potato pie ... cheaper raw ingredients which keep longer in bulk storage. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a good homemade sweet potato pie! But the commercial offerings are loaded with gawdawful amounts of sugar and the above mentioned universal plastic "pumpkin pie spice". Avoid it at all costs.

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