Reply to post: Re: (Can't...stop...the... voices....)

Yep, you're totally unique: That one very special user and their very special problem


Re: (Can't...stop...the... voices....)

No no. If I do that, then every computer problem she ever has will become my problem. I have yet to see her touch a computing device she couldn't screw up. No no, she is sticking with the thing that she knows best because I am NOT spending the rest of my life being blamed for the fact that she lost all of her photos for the fifth, sixth, and seventh time. No no, she is sticking with something that she at least kind of understands and which my dad can mostly hack.

I set up a simple NAS for her to back things up to. All she has to do is run freefilesync, which requires pressing an entire 3 buttons. She mentioned today that she never uses it because it's not user friendly enough. I asked what would make it more user-friendly and she said it was just about "spending time to learn an new thing".

You do not have my mother, destroyer of devices, breaker of software, loser of files.

No. I am not setting up Slackware for her. I will not like it.

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