Reply to post: Re: Why one of the most popular IDEs

It's official: Microsoft updates Visual Studio Code to run on Raspberry Pi OS


Re: Why one of the most popular IDEs

That's an excellent and well described use case.

Personally I love vim but I completely understand that it's not for everyone and whilst it absolutely can be set up as a very powerful IDE it requests a lot of fiddling with plugins and learning the various key combos - it's not for the faint of heart!

I'd imagine that the ability of VSCode to work on remote code over SSH is not a unique feature though. Great that it just works out if the box, and I suppose it's also great that it's free as well.

I currently use PHPStorm to invoke remote PHP via SSH but in my case the code item is already local and accessed on the remote system using NFS so I haven't had to try a remote editing option.

I'm going to guess that because it says 'Microsoft' in the title it's going to be the most likely tool that corporate IT might permit on a locked down laptop. Perhaps another case of Microsoft using its monopoly to dominate the market and push out any competition?

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