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Mullet over: Aussie boys' school tells kids 'business in the front, party in the back' hairstyle is 'not acceptable'

Chris G

All I can say is Fuck'em!

What right does a school have to dictate one' s hairstyle?

Way back in the early sixties, three of us at my school started growing our hair longer than the 'normal' short back and sides of the day.

Our headmaster gave us an ultimatum, 'get your hair cut, I will cut it or you will have to wear a red ribbon in your hair at school'.

Two of us opted for the ribbon, the other guy went for a trim.

You wouldn't believe the street cred we got from wearing ribbon and the old boy could back down because he had made the threat in school assembly.

Uniformity and conformity in the military has its place, in schools not so much.

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