Reply to post: Re: Let's be very clear here ...

Red Hat pulls Free Software Foundation funding over Richard Stallman's return

jake Silver badge

Re: Let's be very clear here ...

"Say that to my face."

Hard of reading? I just did. In fact, according to "the law" (as if there was just one law .... what are you, a religious wingnut?), every man, woman and child reading this who fooled around with someone under the age of consent is a pedophile, EVEN IF they were also underage at the time.

Stallman later retracted his statements, which fact I see you are still ignoring. And since when was paraphrasing and offering opinions on the writings of another considered a bad thing?

I did not say pedophilia is OK, kindly retract that or forever be known as a liar.

What I implied is that the current definition of pedophilia is a one-size-fits-all notion, which is clearly a farce given that humans mature at different rates.

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