Reply to post: Re: Brave (and the others)

Chrome 90 goes HTTPS by default while Firefox injects substitute scripts to foil tracking tech

Mike 137 Silver badge

Re: Brave (and the others)

What I would really like would be to be allowed to make my own choices and decisions, rather than having some external party I can't influence in any way tell me what I can and cannot do. The epitome of this is of course Goooooooooooooooooogle, whose search results are based, not on what you submitted as search terms, but on what they think will be most profitable to show you, based extremely loosely on every possible permutation of your search terms - including substrings from keywords.

Enforced controls are no real substitute for informed users as they get progressively cicumvented in the arms race. However keeping users uninformed generates a lot more dosh, so enforced controls are the sticking plaster.

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