Reply to post: Re: How do you know you can trust the papers on SciHub?

City of London Police warn against using ‘open science’ site Sci-Hub


Re: How do you know you can trust the papers on SciHub?

You read a paper is because it reports research work. You trust the authors, the peer review process and the site you got the paper from.

Ironically, I learned almost the opposite in science courses. (I'm not a scientist, but I met one* once.)

You become familiar with a particular field, so that when you read this paper, you have the knowledge and context to think critically. You hope the authors were honest and rigorous (reputation does help). You understand that the peer review process is useful but imperfect.

*"You may have proven it to yourself. You may have proven it to someone else. You didn't prove it to me." was a quote chosen by his grad students when he retired.

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