Reply to post: Re: Gamers also have to contend with bots and scalpers looking to make a profit

Someone defeated the anti-crypto-coin-mining protection for Nvidia's 'gamers only' RTX 3060 ... It was Nvidia

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Gamers also have to contend with bots and scalpers looking to make a profit

"Press play on tape #1" Ah, the memories. My first PC game was a cassette-loaded Hunt the Wumpus for the Commodore PET. It was mildly entertaining!

Though some of my friends had Atari 400s or 800s; with those, for games it was just a matter of slapping the cartridge in and powering it on. And if you had the 800, with its dual slots, and the debugger cartridge you could often get the game to boot and then break in the debugger, and then you could have all sorts of fun.

One friend even had the external floppy drive for his 800, and a couple had the Votrax speech synthesizer.

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