Reply to post: Re: Pollution?

Space station dumps 2.9-ton battery pack to burn up in Earth's atmosphere after hardware upgrade

Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

Re: Pollution?

>Pretty sure that at the temperature of re-entry, any dioxin produced won't last very long.

Temperature is only high for the front of solid heavy objects hitting serious ram pressure heating.

The inside of meteorites arrive at the surface still deeply frozen.

Gases leaking out of heated batteries and then dispersing into the ultra-rarifed upper atmosphere aren't likely to be affected much. Then worry that chemistry of the upper atmosphere is complicated with very small amounts of some vital molecules spread very thinly.

Remember it didn't take very much mass of CFCs to destroy a layer of Ozone. You can't just say 'the entire mass of the atmosphere is massive so a few 100kg of X can't do any harm" - and then disperse that X into a very thin layer of upper atmosphere.

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