Reply to post: Re: Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt

A Code War has replaced The Cold War. And right now we’re losing it

Loyal Commenter Silver badge

Re: Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt

I wouldn't call C++ a high-level language here though, it's being compiled down to machine code, and still has low-level memory management (malloc, and pointers). It's really just C with-bells-on. Perhaps wrongly, I refer to C and C++ interchangeably.

Languages like Java or C# compile to bytecode, which runs in an interpreter. Yes, you can run Python on embedded devices, but again, this relies on an interpreter, which makes it a lot slower than something compiled to run on bare metal.

I'm not thinking of anything so sophisticated as something that can run a GUI either - things like Arduinos and Pi Picos that are being used to control things at a very basic level, and which have very limited memory and storage to work with. Things where available memory is measured in kilobytes.

Sometimes you just don't have the luxury of the headspace to run even a cut-down kernel if you need to use that memory for things like shifting a lot of data about between I/O channels.

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