Reply to post: Re: it would be so easy to solve all the problems of racism

GitLab latest to ditch 'master' as default initial branch name: It's now simply called 'main'

jake Silver badge

Re: it would be so easy to solve all the problems of racism

"It's a tiny, insignificant change to the default name of something."

If its all that small a change, are you volunteering to pay for the replacement costs of all git documentation, including training materials, currently in use world-wide?

"If people are prepared to fight to keep that, what chance do we have of making real, substantive improvements to the racist institutions in our society?"

What does changing something that clearly is not racist have to do with making real, substansive improvements to the racist institutions in (y)our country? Shirley all that this kind of feel-good nonsense is doing is diluting the scope of what actually is a very real problem?

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