Reply to post: Re: Why tie yourself to a single distro?

Self-supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server virty users see stealth inflation


Re: Why tie yourself to a single distro?

"If you as a developer know what you are doing"

there in lies one of the problems. Developer think they know what they are doing, knowing what is required, understanding TCO and that someone has to manage/fix/maintain the system in 5 or 10 years time etc. Developers are lead by Project managers, neither of which have any motivation to think beyond the end of delivering the project, backed up by a company sponsor that wants the next shiney thing, none of whom undertsnads real world licencing issues.

Its a modern endemic development process, IBM are old school don't change anything unless it is obviously broken, evryone else is "Shiinneeey"

Personally I have never liked Red Hats Licencing model, it remoinds me of Oracle too much.

Oh and licencing is the only way to recoup the purchase cost, except when you are IBM.

We have IBM licence server to manage and report on 3 servers running Sterling Integrator, this is managed by a third party on behalf of IBM, who feel the need to have conference calls about once a month to discuss our licening position and probablly take a big chunk of the licence fee to cover their costs, to the extent that I doubt IBM make any money out of us (yes we are very over licenced so will likely cut it 50% when we renew so they willl lose money). Perhaps we should charge IBM for hosting thier licence server.

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