Reply to post: Re: • Park in the same spot at the supermarket

The sooner AI stops trying to mimic human intelligence, the better – as there isn't any


Re: • Park in the same spot at the supermarket

It is very sensible. As one ages ones memory often becomes a little, thingy, you know. Particular problems come from trying to remember a specific instance of a regular event, like parking in the supermarket. The brain just drops the info as soon as it comes in. So wandering out with 3 large carrier-bags you're standing there like a plonker for ages trying to remember where you parked THIS time. Much better to stick to the same place, and stick a flag on your car radio aerial.

I have a similar problem parking in town. Probably a dozen spots where I can sometimes find a slot, so drive from one to the next until I find a space. An hour later: where the heck did I park! I have to mentally replay my route until it clicks.

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