Reply to post: Re: The Dart part is a definite deal breaker

Google's multi-platform app framework Flutter reaches version 2, expands to the web


Re: The Dart part is a definite deal breaker

All of the prominent (modern) GUI layers have their own language now. On Apple products it's Swift (transitioning from objective-C), on Windows it's essentially C#, although there are other options. On Android it's Java (transitioning to Kotlin). On the web (and that includes Electron apps on desktops) it's JavaScript. All of these have an FFI (Foreign Function Interface) escape hatch to C, so you can still nominally keep application logic separate and portable, but it isn't obvious that many people actually do that (you have to squint to see it for the web, but it's there in wasm and emsscripten). Flutter is (supposedly) the native GUI layer for Fuchsia, so it isn't all that surprising that it has its own language too. Being cross-platform is a pretty good way to build up a library of applications that will be ready to run on Fuschia, if it ever materializes.

Qt is keeping a cross-platform story going for C++, but it's clearly a lot of work, because Qt licenses are expensive (IMO).

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