Reply to post: If someone really wants to improve the world

Google says once third-party cookies are toast, Chrome won't help ad networks track individuals around the web


If someone really wants to improve the world

..Then making telemarketing of all kinds (including spam texts) illegal would go a long way towards that, IMO. Or make it too expensive for the fly-by-night scammers to afford doing it, such as a mandatory charge of say, 5 cents a call and extreme penalties for anyone trying to avoid this or violating do not call lists. Making spoofing CLID (caller ID info) illegal would be great too. I know this would be very nearly unenforceable, but a man can dream..

There are few things that irk me more than walking through a cloud of gnats in the summer or getting some idiotic "extended warranty" call with the ID spoofed to look like a local number. And it always happens when you're incredibly busy and/or waiting for an important call. No one ever answers their phones any more and this is why.

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