Reply to post: Re: Meh

Seagate UK customer stung by VAT on replacement drive shipped via the Netherlands

Terry 6 Silver badge

Re: Meh

No. There's a few trivial moans in that list, and some vague claims. And even the "Tampon tax" iniquitous as it was is a pretty small item item in the great scheme of things which could have been ameliorated if we'd chosen. Which was reported at the time.

The cost of the EU membership was small in terms of spending, and the value to our economy far outweighed it. No one, not even Mogg, now claims that we'd be financially better off outside the EU.

Oh and what you call "interferences" most people call "protection for the consumer/environment", but clearly you don't like that sort of thing.

The legally binding thing,likewise. Had Remain won by a tiny majority a subsequent govt couldn't easily have taken us out. There is a considerable difference between voting to change and voting not to change. A tiny majority to make a major change is very different from an equally tiny majority not to change - without a very clear voice for any action in such a situation the status quo should be retained. And that's not even considering those who were unsure or unwilling to vote.

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