Reply to post: Re: Nope, COVID-19 is not a catch-all excuse for backdoor deals

Palantir and UK policy: Public health, public IT, and – say it with me – open public contracts

Pascal Monett Silver badge

Re: Nope, COVID-19 is not a catch-all excuse for backdoor deals

As has amply been demonstrated by the Trump presidency, what counts is not the law, it's the people who are in position of power.

What we need is something that can evaluate a candidate's ability to hold a political position. Once elected, said candidate would go through the evaluation process. If successful, the candidate could take the job. If not, find someone else to vote for. Voting is better than nothing, but it is obviously not good enough.

Of course, the evaluation process would have to be mandatory and unavoidable - which means I'm talking science fiction.

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