Reply to post: Re: specced well enough that an equivalent non apple machine would be similarly priced.

Facebook and Apple are toying with us, and it's scarcely believable

John Robson Silver badge

Re: specced well enough that an equivalent non apple machine would be similarly priced.

Don't know where my reply went...

I did explicitly call out the pro line as an area where prices were skewy, but those are two optional extras, not actual products.

I can't imagine why you'd want a server on wheels, but not want to actually mount it in a flight case, particularly not a fairly expensive one. Given that you can buy *virtual* wheels for rocket league for over a grand I'd say these were comparatively great value - no I still wouldn't buy them.

The stand is fantastically engineered, and I'm glad it's optional. I still can't afford the monitor, but at least I could get it and pole mount it like all the rest of my monitors without ending up with a pile of pointless monitor stands in the attic.

Are either of them worth the price tag - well, to someone they are; not to me though.

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