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We need a 20MW 20,000-GPU-strong machine-learning supercomputer to build EU's planned digital twin of Earth

Binraider Silver badge

Somewhat stating the obvious, there absolutely is utility in obtaining power efficiency on any large or distributed compute capability. Consider Facebook - a "simple" application to display text and a few photos manages to chew obscene amounts of memory client side.

Google ploughed through 10.6 TWh in 2018. No matter who you are, that's an awful lot of kettles.

Going back to my original thought; burning 20MW chasing an precise answer that is unknown by design, is an exercise in futility. What is not futile, is pursuing energy efficiency measures and reducing consumption. Consider that every extra demand connected to the network today, means turning a fossil-burner back on to cover until a windmill can catch up to that level of demand.

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