Reply to post: Re: Reminds me of..

A word to the Wyse: Smoking cigars in the office is very bad for you... and your monitor

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Reminds me of..

The previous owners of my house had been heavy smokers. It took years to eradicate the smell. It was particularly noticeable when opening the front door after being on-site for a few weeks.

I grew up in the era when smoking was accepted just about anywhere - offices, public transport, restaurants, cinemas etc. Even our GP would have an ashtray on his desk - and the school staffroom was a fug of cigarette smoke. Our classrooms were smoking free - but some teachers with nicotine-stained fingers still stank of the smoke.

Homes were often the same - and my parents and sibling all eventually died of lung cancer.

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