Reply to post: Surely this is a hardwaare issue for Apple?

Apple's latest macOS Big Sur update stops cheapo USB-C hubs bricking your machine


Surely this is a hardwaare issue for Apple?

I have a large number of electrical devices in my house that will break ('be bricked') if they are fed too much power. Fires, kettle, toaster, microwave, lights - in all cases they are protected by inserting a clever little gadget into the circuit called a 'fuse'. If too much power is supplied then the 'fuse' goes pop, and prevents the device from 'being bricked'. All that is needed then is to find a better power supply, and replace the 'fuse' (at a cost of pennies).

Can I patent this idea and sell it to Apple? I'm sure it wouldn't add more than $1000 to the price of a MacBook (or 50cents to the price of a PC)

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