Reply to post: Re: In hindsight

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: In hindsight

Actually, I'd go further though, and say that - as a nation - we should just stop doing referendums

I agree.

In any situation that requires a referendum, it always turns out around 50:50. Hell, even elections are like that (latest US presidential, for example). You wouldn't decide to to put your hand in the spinning blades of a lawnmower or food blender based on such nonsense that half of the voters believe, when the correct answer is obvious all along. But thanks to social media (among other things), people DO do things like that - and they still have what they consider a logic behind it.

The net result is that half the voters are right, and half are wrong - albeit for wide-ranging reasons, many of which are in QAnon territory, and on both sides.

The real problem is that those who cast their votes based on the Dark Side of their beliefs expect to get a say in every decision going. Naming ships ('Boaty McBoatface'), vaccinations, US Presidential elections (fair enough), and... Brexit.

Then we end up where we are.

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