Reply to post: Re: Point

Facebook and Apple are toying with us, and it's scarcely believable

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: Point

> I don't see how filling a storeroom with Tamagotchi toys makes sense

It makes sense for the vendor because instilling a sense of scarcity in a consumer's mind can bypass their their rational decision-making process.

As a result they may pay more for your product.

Another benefit to the vendor of scarcity (artificial, or just a result of a sane decision to only tool up so many production lines) is that scarcity can lead to free publicity. Current example: I'm not in the market for a new PlayStation, but I'm still aware that there is a shortage of Sony's new console. Left unchecked, this observation might cause one to think 'Ooh, this new games console must be pretty good if that many people want one'

The 'rational actor' model of economics debunked decades ago, though some more weeding might be required!

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