Reply to post: The human mind is a frightening thing

The wastepaper basket is on the other side of the office – that must be why they put all these slots in the computer

Pascal Monett Silver badge

The human mind is a frightening thing

What on Earth was he thinking ? Slipping bits of flammable material into a box that uses electricity, what is more natural ?

I mean obviously, this "computer" thingy has a portal to the waste dimension, right ? Isn't that in the specs ?

And the fact that the thin opening is not labelled "Waste Basket" is just a mistake, obviously.

It is one thing to not understand computers, it is an entirely different thing to build the intellectual fortress of stupidity that allows you to justify to yourself that you're doing nothing wrong.

The helldesk drone should have evacuated the building. Then, when time came for explanations, the responsibility of the user . . . would have been swept under the rug and the helldesk drone would have been blamed for wasting everyone's time.

Ugh, I hate stupidity.

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