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Texas blacks out, freezes, and even stops sending juice to semiconductor plants. During a global silicon shortage

Jellied Eel Silver badge

In Europe, new nuclear is probably dead. Why? Capitalism. New nuclear plants cost £100 per unit, but the latest offshore wind prices are below £40 in the UK, while new solar has dropped to below £15 per unit in Spain/Portugal (actual cost, not based on 'maximum capacity'). It is also far easier to build a solar/wind farm compared to a nuclear plant.

Quit with the BS and leave that to the likes of Ed Davey, when DECC came up with their 'levelised costs' scenarios. It's easy to make 'renewables' look favorable, if you simply gloss over the costs. Like tieing wind farms into the grid, additional costs to upgrade the grid to deal with windmill's unreliability, the massive subsidies paid out to wind farmers etc etc.

Despite nuclear being practically zero carbon, it doesn't benefit from any of those benefits. This is often sold as 'supporting new technology', even though the first commercial wind turbines were installed in the UK long before we figured out how to split the atom and generate power on err.. Windscale!

But the most obvious rebuttal to your BS is that despite the regular claims that wind is the cheapest form of generation, as we keep adding windmills to the UK fleet, our electricity bills keep rising. How can this be? So cheap, yet so expensive..

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