Reply to post: Re: Quite a challenge

Habitable-zone exoplanet potentially spotted just around the corner in Alpha Centauri using latest telescope technique


Re: Quite a challenge

" Which would mean pretty much manufacturing an entire atmosphere of the right composition and changing the climate completely."

A little while back, a milliard of years or so, little, teeny, tiny bugs managed to do this to the atmosphere of an utterly useless, uninhabitable rock we now call Earth.

Using mosses, lichens and other critters greening Mars shouldn't take more than a century. Maybe less if we dump tons of veggies and fungi all over the place.

Helping it along by dropping icy blobs onto the poles from the Martian skies would be fun, too.

Greening Venus would, however, be easier. Maybe even faster and Venus is *warm*.

It's a shame Man is never, ever, ever going to do any of those nice things.

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