Reply to post: Re: If you don't want people to see you in your birthday suit

This scumbag stole and traded victims' nude pics and vids after guessing their passwords, security answers


Re: If you don't want people to see you in your birthday suit

Unfortunately bad people exist. And bugs in software exist. Yes, you should be able to store whatever you want on your private account. Yes, it ought to be safe there. But just as you have to have high-security locks on your house if you live somewhere there's lots of burglars even though you should be able to leave it open if you want, if you store your photos on the net then you've put them somewhere there are a lot of hackers. The only way to be certain something isn't stolen off the public net is to not put it on there. Saying it's victim blaming doesn't change the fact that there are some extremely nasty people out there.

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