Reply to post: Re: Can you provide some evidence for this or any of your other assertions please?

European Commission redacts AstraZeneca vaccine contract – but forgets to wipe the bookmarks tab

Anonymous Coward
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Re: Can you provide some evidence for this or any of your other assertions please?

Seems like you are punting an anti-jewish conspiracy theory, where the people living in Israel, writing for Israeli media, working for Israeli human rights organisations, serving in the IDF. They are all "anti-Semitic" and engaged in "wilful manipulation of facts", or maybe they are sincere in their views. seems like there is a lot of evidence if you care to look.

Care to evidence your allegation, or respond to the numerous times, your lies have been debunked.

Finally, this is where I throw in some numbers in square parentheses - [20] [23] [1] [20] - and a link or two - -

Nice, But given your failure to call out racism, and your history of making unsubstantiated allegations, and refusing to provide evidence to back up your lies.

This is a comment thread for a story about the European Commission, its contract with AstraZeneca and a technology snafu.

Thank you for "goysplaining" comment threads[1]

Oh, we're no longer discussing contracts?

Given the story you are commenting on is a story about "the contract", it is fairly revealing that you point out you are not commenting about "the contract".

Perhaps you might like to meet some actual Semites, given your comfort with naked racism, I can see why you might prefer not to do that.

It's telling, you've offered no links, no quotes, no evidence whatsoever, just lies, and blind eyes to flagrant racism - care to comment on that ?

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