Reply to post: Re: An M1 Mac Mini isn't going to break the bank

Apple offends devs by asking for Developer Transition Kits back early, then offering them a measly $200 off an M1 Mac

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: An M1 Mac Mini isn't going to break the bank

I'm not voting either way - it seems a dig into the agreement between the devs and Apple would be a prerequisite, along with a look at statutory rights in the relevant territories. Sales of Goods wouldn't cover a loaned device, and as I'm not a lawyer I don't know if the 500 dollar fee was for a service (which requires the device kit to actually work) or what.

I would imagine any serious Mac OS dev would want to have an M1 machine for testing, and this testing would be better on an actual Mac and not a dev kit.

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